Tuesday, November 23, 2010

New Standards for the Holiday Job Search

It’s the Holiday season and for many years I believed this was the worst time to look for a regular fulltime job. With new job search strategies and new venues for online networking, the Holiday job search seems to hold more hope than years past. Along with a lot of other job search strategies that have changed over the past two years, this lame duck job search season seems to be perking up.

Things working in your favor:
• Less competition. Most people will have given up on their job search during the Holiday season.
• Easier access to decision makers who are more likely to be in the office prepping for year-end reports.
• Fall trade shows and college recruitment season is over. Employers are ready to make decisions about who to bring in for interviews.
• Hiring managers are eager to start the new-year with new hires in place by January.
• For new hires to start in January, interviews must take place in December.

Holiday Job Search Tips
• Prepare a Networking Brief. A one page document with only skills, achievements, work history, and a statement of what you are seeking.
• Print out business cards with name, phone, email, LinkedIn address, occupational field.
• Attend Holiday events with your business cards and networking briefs close by. Whether you are employed or not, business cards and a networking brief is the new standard for keeping your career active and progressive in this economy.
• Keep your job search and attitude positive by setting manageable goals for the Holiday season.
• Create a job search schedule. Have days when you job search and different days when you apply for jobs.
• Add job searching through professional organizations. During the Holiday’s hiring managers who have open

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