Thursday, May 7, 2009

I have changed my view. I no longer have easy and quick access to the ocean. I have moved to the middle of county. My view has changed and so has my view point. I have to admit my view point is much much better. I am not as stressed or sad as I used to be. I am not saying everything is hunky-dory, I am just saying there is a better balance between my work and my life. I feel more appreciated at work, and I come already relaxed. I don't have to spend two hour decompressing from a hectic day at work. I am writing more about things I know more about. I have started two blogs and twitter.

If you are a job seeker you may want to take a look at my other blog and twitter. Both titled: Getajobgetalife (Get a Job Get a Life). They are all about helping people helping people to do a job search. I talk about resumes, cover letters and information I get from working with hiring managers. I had to change jobs, in part, due to the economy so I know what it is like to have to be out their job seeking, interviewing, getting turned down, etc. However, I did land somewhere totally unexpected and now I have the energy and balance to help others.

Have a great day.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Persistance and frequency pay off. Go to as many job fairs and recruiting events as possible. I just returned from a regional National Association of Colleges and Employers day-conference. I kept asking the same question all day: With a 300% increase of applicants, how do employers figure out who they will interview and eventually hire. The response was overwhelming. Those candidates that attend career events (job fairs, mock interviews, information interviews); and, go to business mixers (see your local Business Journal for dates and locations) show employers you are serious about your job search. I hadn't realized that professional recruiters record every name of every person they network with. They go back to their offices and enter names, skills, and areas of interests for every person they talked to about jobs. When your application comes up in their system, they already know how many times they have made a contact with you or heard your name.

Another resource for recruiters is LinkedIn. I was amazed at how many recruiters mentioned using it to find qualified candidates. It is free form them and it is free for you! How to best use a media networking resource: create your profile. Then do searches for the types of companies you want to work for. Example: Search for American Family Insurance and see how many people are linked. BTW I don't work for American Family.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Are you looking for a job?

This blog will offer job search advice for the job seeker. I have a passion for the job seeker. I have been one as well as help others to successfully find jobs. I will provide job search tips and advice that get great results. I have use these tips for my own job search, and I use them in my practice as a professional career counselor. I have worked with college students, executives, and dislocated workers. Mostly, I work with frustrated job seekers. They come to me very sad and in desperate need of help. I have developed great techniques that have helped even the most disappointed job seeker. Techniques that get results.

I am doing this a free service the job seeker. Let others know about this blog. If people are really down about their job search, if they are truly frustrated and think NOTHING is going to help, then they need this blog.

Never, never, never give up!

Get a Job Get a Life